Thrive Leaders Network exists to bring together primarily employed leaders in our churches, to inspire, resource and create stronger relationships across the Church.

We have a YouthWork Network for those involved with young people, and a Children’s Work Network for those who focus on under 11s.  Both are open to anyone who wants to join in and can come from right across Thrive’s region.

The network meetings are a chance to update each other on what God has been doing in the different ministries, to share concerns and to connect with opportunities to work together. Of course, we also want to pray for each other.

There are two Children’s Work Networks – one based in Leamington and one in Coventry. Each of these try to meet half termly and the venue and time varies depending on people’s availability.

To hear about upcoming meetings and involved, join our:

Thrive Youth Work Facebook Group

Thrive Children’s Work Facebook Group